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Reiki Energy Healing

Colorful Crystal
Image by Marcos Paulo Prado
Reiki Therapy

What is it?

     Reiki is an ancient form of energy healing dating back to the early 1800's. This valuable modality is used by holistic practitioners worldwide and its effectiveness has been remarkable. It is used to promote healing, remove energetic blockages, improve circulation, prevent disease, and restore health and wellness. Reiki follows the principle that all things are composed of divine universal energy. Using intuition, practitioners direct the energy in and around your body to facilitate balance, harmony, and homeostasis.


     Throughout life, we experience physical, mental & emotional challenges. These challenges, coupled with social conditioning, societal pressures, and other forms of unavoidable external stimuli, can sometimes make life difficult to maneuver. They can often block our flow of energy, causing it to stagnate. Once this stagnation develops, the impact of its consequences becomes clear. Stagnate energy can develop in the physical body as illness, injury, restrictions, and feelings of imbalance. During a reiki session, the practitioner scans the Chakras (energy centers) of the body to identify areas of imbalance.


     Often, Reiki is conducted in a quiet, comfortable, and relaxing space. You lie on a cushioned table, fully clothed, with eyes closed. The practitioner then asks you to relax, at which point, a light hands-on touch facilitates the movement of energy. Reiki transcends time and space and therefore, with permission, it can be offered to anyone, anywhere in the world. 


     Many people feel relief or a sensation of weightlessness immediately following the session. Many people also request multiple sessions for a deeper experience. Regardless of the number of sessions you wish to complete, each session is a step toward obtaining optimal health. Each person is unique and will experience the healing slightly differently.


(Rei) Divine or Universal  (Ki ) life force energy



In Clinic session: $75

Distant healing: $75

At your location of choice: $100


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